
Carnelian is a semi-precious stone known for its rich, warm color, ranging from orange to deep red-brown. This mineral belongs to the chalcedony group and is highly valued both in decorative facing works and in jewelry.

Carnelian has a hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, which makes it quite resistant to mechanical damage and wear. The stone stands out for its homogeneous structure with a soft, natural shine.

Due to its noble color, carnelian combines perfectly with various materials, such as granite, marble, wood and metal.

It is used in mosaics, inlays and for creating decorative interior elements. Ideal for exclusive interiors, facades and decorative panels. Availability for various categories of projects - from luxurious to minimalist solutions.

We offer high-quality carnelian, which will be an ideal choice for the implementation of the most ambitious design ideas.